F=forgive, O=obey, C=commit, U=unite, S=surrender

"Ya Feel Me" Whipped Body Butter 1.5 oz
"Ya Feel Me" Whipped Body Butter 1.5 oz
"Ya Feel Me" Whipped Body Butter 1.5 oz
"Ya Feel Me" Whipped Body Butter 1.5 oz
"Ya Feel Me" Whipped Body Butter 1.5 oz
"Ya Feel Me" Whipped Body Butter 1.5 oz
"Ya Feel Me" Whipped Body Butter 1.5 oz
"Ya Feel Me" Whipped Body Butter 1.5 oz
"Ya Feel Me" Whipped Body Butter 1.5 oz
"Ya Feel Me" Whipped Body Butter 1.5 oz

"Ya Feel Me" Whipped Body Butter 1.5 oz

Regular price $8 Unit price  per 

Rich and smooth, this is developed with a blend of unrefined butters and nourishing oils. Whipped into a luscious buttercream, it penetrates deeply into the skin and will soothe, heal, and pamper.

The best way to use body butter is to apply it after your daily shower or bath. Pat dry skin, leaving a little moisture on the skin. With clean dry hands, scoop a small amount of body butter into your hands and gently massage into skin using firm, broad strokes until fully absorbed. Try to avoid using too much at once and remember you can always apply another layer on top if you feel like your skin needs extra moisturization throughout the day.

*Note: When applying your body butter, pay special attention to your elbows, knees, hands, and feet. These are all areas that are more prone to dryness meaning they will benefit greatly from a generous layer of body butter to really help nourish these problem areas. Body butters are particularly valuable in dry winter weather to provide a protective layer against the wind and cold.


Ingredients: Shea Butter, Mango Butter, Cocoa Butter, Almond Oil, Coconut Oil, Jojoba Oil, Vitamin E Oil, Arrowroot, and EO &/or FO 

"Ya Feel Me" Whipped Body Butter 1.5 oz
"Ya Feel Me" Whipped Body Butter 1.5 oz
"Ya Feel Me" Whipped Body Butter 1.5 oz
"Ya Feel Me" Whipped Body Butter 1.5 oz
"Ya Feel Me" Whipped Body Butter 1.5 oz
"Ya Feel Me" Whipped Body Butter 1.5 oz
"Ya Feel Me" Whipped Body Butter 1.5 oz
"Ya Feel Me" Whipped Body Butter 1.5 oz