F=forgive, O=obey, C=commit, U=unite, S=surrender


  1. Is the moisturizing cream just for your hands?

No. The moisturizing cream can be used over your entire body. It is also a great facial moisturizer.

  1. Can people with allergies and sensitive skin use this product?

Yes. All products come in a fragrance-free option and all products are made with natural ingredients.

  1. What is the expiration date?

All products should be used within 1 year of purchase.

  1. Is the whipped body butter still good if it melts?

Yes. Whipped body butter is still good. Just put in the refrigerator until it solidifies. Always store whipped body butter in a dark cool place.

  1. Can I use the whipped body butter in my hair?

Yes. Whipped body butter is a great styling product for styling natural hair.

     6. Are glass jars recyclable?

Yes. We use mason jars for packaging our whipped body butters and body scrubs. These jars can be repurposed for several things. For ideas look at Pinterest, Instagram, or Google.